Dilemma- some would say, are you one of them? Is beef jerky a good candidate for a gluten-free snack? Well, the answer to this lies somewhere between yes and no. It is dependent on the type of ingredients and methods used while making the beef jerky.
If you want to stay away from the uncomfortable digestive consequences of gluten, it would be important to find a gluten-free snack. That way, you'll be able to satisfy your cravings without losing ground on your health. Therefore, let's delve into all the details you need to know regarding gluten free beef jerky.
What is Gluten?
As you were munching through it, this question must have come to your head: Does beef jerky have gluten? Gluten is a protein that can be naturally found in several grains like barley and wheat. Composed of two molecules which, when mixed together, make the food substance and give food a stretchy texture, glutenin and gliadin are formed together. Though gluten is initially found in many grains, it is also added as a filler to most processed food to add texture or flavor.
Once water is added to the dough, gliadin and glutenin mix and, upon kneading, turn the protein into an elastic membrane, building a stringy structure. The more you knead the dough, the stronger the gluten proteins become, giving the food a chewy structure.
But of course, not everyone is in a position to digest gluten. Instead, it could lead to various health issues. In such cases, health concerns can be kept under better control by opting for a gluten-free diet in the form of gluten-free beef jerky.
Is Beef Jerky Gluten-free?
The main ingredients of beef jerky are gluten-free primarily. It is, however, a mix of seasoned lean beef ingredients that may contain gluten. Thus, in its pure form beef jerky is gluten-free but the commercially produced jerky contains flavourings, preservatives, and additives that may include gluten.
Thus, this gluten-containing additive beef jerky would not be able to meet the strict diet requirements of gluten-free consumers. Most companies do specify on the labelling of their packaging that it is gluten-free beef jerky. That way, you can scrutinize the label on the packaging to determine whether it is indeed a gluten-free beef jerky.
What Are the Gluten Sources in Beef Jerky?
Let's delve into the hidden ingredients of beef jerky that contain gluten.
Soy sauce
Individuals following a gluten-free diet should note that soy sauce generally contains wheat and, therefore, gluten. Soy itself is naturally gluten-free, but most regular soy sauce products are produced by fermenting soy with wheat in salty water and, therefore, contain gluten. If you desire your jerky to be gluten-free, then you must look for soy sauce that is labelled as gluten-free.
When you select marinades and barbecue sauce covered jerky be aware it likely contains gluten. Check labels on those types of products or, to ensure a guarantee, prepare your own marinated jerky using ingredients that you know are gluten-free. That way, you can enjoy your jerky without any question of does jerky have gluten.
Spice mixes
Some spice mixes added to beef jerky contain gluten. To be sure that you are using gluten-free spices, opt for single spices in their purest form or acquire spice mixes that have a certification marked as gluten-free. Look for labels of spice mix and ingredients and confirm that they are indeed gluten-free.
How To Choose Gluten-free Beef Jerky?
Let's explore how to recognize gluten-free beef jerky.
It is always important to check the ingredient list when you are buying beef jerky for its gluten content. Just view those ingredients that show a sign of containing gluten, such as soy sauce or spice mixes with additives. You will easily find lots of beef jerkies using gluten-free alternatives, such as apple cider vinegar or gluten-free soy sauce.
Certifications and labels
If the question is jerky gluten free still strikes your mind, you can look for jerky that is specially marked as gluten-free. Many brands have got certification as gluten-free and ensure that the products receive lots of rigorous testing to meet the standards for gluten-free labelling.
Then, by selecting only certified jerkies, you would be confident and trustworthy that the jerky purchased would be entirely within the criteria for providing a safe snack for those suffering from gluten sensitivities.
Organic options
Opting for natural and organic options when selecting beef jerky is beneficial. These options incorporate simple and organic ingredients, avoiding additives that may contain gluten. Opting for organic beef jerky allows you to enjoy a snack that matches your choice for healthy components and avoid the consequences of excess gluten.
This doesn't mean that you can no longer enjoy your tasty snack time, such as beef jerky if you choose a gluten-free diet. You simply just have to make the right food decisions because many of the products these days can be classified as gluten-free, and they are simply delicious. So, if you are still in a dilemma about is beef jerky gluten free, then no, all beef jerky is not gluten-free. But whatever, you can still pick the ones marked to say they're gluten-free and chow down on them as a tasty snack.